Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Accounting Tutor in Dallas

Accounting Tutor in DallasIf you want to work towards your goals of a successful accounting career, finding an accounting tutor in Dallas is essential. There are many available local tutors in the area that offer courses in accounting, but finding one that will meet your individual needs can be difficult.Tutors in Dallas come from all kinds of educational backgrounds and have experience in a variety of fields. Finding the right one for you takes some time and patience. Some tutors in Dallas only teach part-time, while others offer full-time courses. Those in the full-time schools may help you learn the basics of accounting in addition to their program.Tutors in Dallas offer courses in both private and public accounting classes. Some offer regular classes while others offer continuing education credits. Many tutors in Dallas also offer accounting internships for students to gain hands-on experience working in an accounting environment.The ideal candidate for an accounting tutor in Dal las is someone who has been in accounting for several years. Someone who can take you through the basics and get you on your way to a successful career is the best choice. Taking courses and internships is great, but if you do not have the time to attend classes, you need someone who will fit you into a schedule that works best for you.Before starting any account training or internships, it is essential to check the credentials of the person offering the services. Anyone offering a program should be fully qualified to teach accounting. You should be able to find references for the person offering the program, and have a good idea of what kind of credit they may be able to provide to you. This will ensure that the classes will be of the highest quality.It is important that your tutor provide you with financial statements. When you begin an accounting career, you will find that working with a student's books will be important in the future. Your accounting tutor should also be able to help you keep track of your own books.When choosing an accounting tutor in Dallas, it is important to choose someone who is also familiar with finance. In addition to accounting classes, you may find that there are financial classes offered as well. Those taking classes for credit need to have an understanding of the subjects taught by their tutor. Those taking classes for credits are usually expected to have taken the classes for credit before and understand them.Working with an accounting tutor in Dallas helps prepare you for taking account training and internships in the future. Students benefit from working with a reliable person who will provide them with the necessary skills to make it in accounting. Those in accounting should consider working with a tutor in Dallas to get the most out of their career.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Heartbreak Its Sadly Very Real

Heartbreak Its Sadly Very Real Photo Via: https://mywifemademewatch.files.wordpress.com We’ve all heard of it, whether just in the movies or in real life: people die of broken hearts. Think of classic movies like “The Notebook” or real-life, tragic stories like Doug Flutie’s.** The sad truth is, it’s more than possible to die of a broken heart. While its nice to think, somewhere in the distant future, you could die side by side with your loved one like the fictional story, The Notebook, realistically this isnt going to happen. Rather, one death results in another in a tragic, shocking way that isnt nearly as beautiful as it might play out on the big screen. The truth is, though Hollywood may replicate it on a far more dramatic scale, dying of grief is very realistic. And very sad. According to Dr. Simon Graff in the journal “Open Heart,” “The elevated risk was especially high for those who were young and those who lost a relatively healthy partner.” This risk also increases within the first few weeks of an unexpected loss, and remains this high for about a year after the death. To put numbers to the phenomena, people suffering a sudden, unexpected loss actually have about a 40 percent higher risk of atrial fibrillation (which is a heart arrhythmia that increases the risk of stroke and other, life-threatening health problems). And in the first two weeks after a death, the risk is close to double that. Using a detailed medical records system (a system that actually keeps track of all health visits), the team found that about 88,000 people were diagnosed with an atrial fibrillation (for the first time) between 1995 and 2014. Comparing this to the 880,000 healthy people in the same situation (age and other factors), they found that about 20 percent of both groups lost a spouse/partner in that time. Also, many in these groups also developed an atrial fibrillation. However, development of this atrial fibrillation was more likely to happen to those that had just lost a spouse/partner specifically if it was an unexpected loss. For instance, if a partner died of something suddenly, the surviving partner was more likely to develop a heart problem. The risk was less likely if the partner died of a long-lasting illness. According to the research team, “A long-lasting disease with great suffering and considerable care may be stressful and place high demands on the partner, and death may sometimes even be a relief.” There is also another, known medical condition, that’s triggered by shock or loss, called a takotsubo cardiomyopathy (also known as a stress cardiomyopathy) that causes the heart to go off beat. While blood-pressure lowering drugs couldn’t prevent this condition, ACE inhibitors could. In a very real story, Cyndy Bizon landed in the hospital following the news that her husband had suffered a sudden heart attack during what was supposed to be a routine surgery. According to Bizon, “I remember feeling dizzy … and trying to grab the counter. I remember a curtain of black that I couldn’t shake away coming down.” The sudden, shocking news that your loved one hasn’t made it, or in Cyndy’s case, may not make it, is oftentimes enough to send the surviving partner into a downward spiral which they have no control over. So while it’s a sad truth, it’s one to be very aware of. Loved ones will pass, that’s just how life works. While some will get lucky, others won’t be, no matter how prepared (or not prepared) they are, and there isn’t much to do in these instances. Life comes and goes, whether we’re ready or not. **For those not familiar with the story, Doug Flutie (a retired, NFL quarterback) lost both of his parents within one hour of each other. His father was hospitalized due to a heart attack, and the family had their chance to say their goodbyes and prepare for the worst. However, after the passing of her beloved husband, Doug’s mother suffered her own fatal heart attack within an hour of her husband’s passing. For Flutie, he lost two parents in the same day. For his parents, neither had to grieve the loss of the other for very long.

What Is Their A Book That Can Help Me Get Better At College Algebra?

What Is Their A Book That Can Help Me Get Better At College Algebra?Have you ever wondered what is there a book that can help me get better at college algebra? I know I have. Well, there are many books and guides to help you learn the right ways to approach each class.To get better at college algebra, you should read as much material as possible. It's always good to read different material from several sources and mix them together so you can learn more.One way to do this is to choose a book that covers college algebra. You can also choose a book that specializes in a particular subject so you can be sure to learn all the concepts.If you are really interested in reading a book on how to do your homework, you may want to make your own good choice. If you have been struggling with your grades, you may want to consider getting help.There are many books available on how to do your college algebra, but you need to do some research to find the one that will be right for you. Many are avail able in bookstores and some online. Your local library should have a copy of one of these books.A lot of the online resources are free, so if you do not want to invest your money into books, there are other ways to get help. You may want to use a website that has a lot of free material.There are other books that can help you as well, so you need to be sure to keep your options open. Once you find a book thatis right for you, you will be more confident about your work, you will have more self-confidence, and you will be able to learn more.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

College and Career - Make Science Education a Priority

College and Career - Make Science Education a PriorityA Scripps Research Institute offers a great degree program in chemistry. Here you can study the sciences of chemistry, as well as how they work. The Scripps Research Institute has been offering several programs for chemistry students since the 1920's. Today, many scientists, engineers, and doctors are offered admission to this school.The department of chemical and biological engineering at the Scripps Research Institute offers many courses in the school of chemistry. This includes the course for the freshman Chemistry course. There are several other departmental courses for the chemistry major as well. These courses are vital to each student's college success.When looking for classes, it is important to know which ones have full enrollment. At some schools, there may be fewer full-time enrolled in one course than in another.The best way to choose an accepted course at Scripps Research Institute is to check their online listing for incoming students. The faculty will send you a list of the online classes that are being offered at the university. You will also want to look for online course classes offered by other universities. These will be a good idea because they will offer a course of study different from what is being offered at Scripps Research Institute.If you are not interested in a four-year degree, you can also get your bachelor's degree in chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute. Many of these courses allow you to earn your master's degree through a joint program with the business or engineering department. This is a great idea if you are interested in doing a dissertation. In order to complete this program, you will need to earn your bachelor's degree first. If you do not want to spend years working towards your bachelor's degree, then a shorter program would be better for you.The online degrees at Scripps Research Institute allow you to earn either a bachelor's degree in chemistry or a master 's degree in the same field. They may even allow you to study both at the same time. Once you complete a bachelor's degree, you will need to make sure you graduate from the school of science in order to gain admission to graduate school. To be accepted into graduate school, you will need to be enrolled in a graduate program at a school of science. That is why it is very important to consider other schools when deciding on a bachelor's degree.With so many people with special needs getting jobs, more institutions are making science education available to all people. You can earn a high-paying job in the sciences without ever having to leave your home. You can choose the colleges or graduate programs that fit your personality and you are prepared to take the career path of your choice.

Why Take Private School English Lessons

Why Take Private School English Lessons How English Tuition Can Help You and Your Child ChaptersReasons to Take Private English LessonsChoosing the Right English Tutor for YouHow to Find an English TutorThe Cost of English TuitionAlthough English is a major part of the school curriculum, many pupils find it difficult, and at a young age, this can majorly affect their levels of self-esteem when it comes to their academic performance.This is just part of the reason why English tuition is in such high demand.From Key Stage 1 all the way up to A Level, English lessons account for a large part of private tuition delivered across the UK and beyond.And there’s no doubt as to why this is the case.For every native English speaker, getting to grips with the grammar rules, tricky spelling and even handwriting are all significant hurdles that must be overcome to achieve true mastery of the language.Have you noticed your child struggling with their English homework?For some, understanding the complex aspects of the English language as well as practicing reading and writing is just too much to do with a school teacher alone.This is why many parents reach out to English tutors or tutoring companies to give their child the boost in confidence they need to achieve academic success.There are many fantastic reasons to enrol in extra-curricular English lessons, such as the fact that private tuition offers an opportunity for students to be taught according to their needs as an individual.This means that the tutor will take their student’s strengths and weaknesses into account in their approach to teaching, so that course content is optimised for the learner and their personal learning style.However, this does not mean that all tutors are the same in their approach to teaching.It is important that the learner is at the heart of the tuition they are receiving, but as vital as it is, finding the ideal tutor isn’t always easy.It is important to find someone who can help with specific areas of difficulty such as spelling or reading comprehension, for example, at an a ppropriate level for the learner.When it comes to seeking a tutor, some parents and students are in the dark.But not to worry!There are plenty of avenues you can explore to make sure the tutor you choose is the right one for you.Of course, supplemental instruction does come at a cost â€" luckily, with our tips on choosing your ideal tutor, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing affordable academic support.Need help for English exams? Hire a private tutor.wider audience than ever before, without having to join a tutoring agency.This means that more tutors are available to choose from, and they can develop their own teaching styles to suit their students.You may not have to look so far for your ideal tutor - they could be on your doorstep ¦ source: Pixabay - PexelsTutoring companies can also be useful - especially for those looking for a tutor to help them achieve specific grades in exams, as they can provide standardised and course-specific worksheets and textbooks to use alongside the student’s formal education.The easiest way to start your search for a tutor is to first look online.There is a wide range of platforms such as Superprof, where tutors from  all over the world advertise their services and are available for an online chat before you hire them as your tutor.A key benefit of finding a tutor online is the added security.By using online platforms rather than contacting tutors directly, you are adding a layer of safety, since many websites verify their tutors’ qualifications so that their users know they can trust them and gain valuable time.For those who prefer the traditional methods or if you’re looking for someone in your local area, there are also plenty of options.The advertising sections of local newspapers often display people offering tutoring services, with details on pricing and how to get in touch.Local shops and community notice boards are also good places to look for any leaflets or posters.Contacting the tutor dire ctly may be a more reliable way of conducting your mini interview since all it takes is a phone call!Whichever method you use to find your ideal tutor, it is important to make sure that they are qualified to an appropriate level or have an adequate level of experience in their field, as well as teaching experience.Carrying out these checks will ensure value for money and most importantly peace of mind.The Cost of English TuitionThe average price per hour for school English tuition in the UK is £19.28.This price is ever so slightly below the national average for one hour of tuition at £19.31, however, this does not mean that every hour-long English lesson in the UK costs around £19 â€" there are many factors which influence the pricing of one to one tuition.For instance, pricing can vary depending on where you live.Students in London pay £22.50 on average, whereas those in Pembrokeshire can expect to pay an average of just £15.00.Average prices in larger cities tend to be higher than those in rural areas, and this can be put down to demand.Cities offer a bigger choice when it comes to tutors, however, this also means higher demand, meaning tutors can charge more for their services.On the other hand, rural areas don’t offer as much competition between tutors and demand is lower, meaning that hourly rates are ultimately set with the tutee in mind.Densely populated areas also offer a wider range of skills from their tutors, simply because there are more of them and there is, therefore, a higher level of diversity in their knowledge.This means more tutors will be able to offer instruction at a higher level, driving the average price up.

How to Learn Choreography

How to Learn Choreography The Guide to Remembering Choreography ChaptersThings You Need to Know to Master ChoreographyThe Easiest Choreography to LearnLearning Choreography on YouTubeCreating Choreography“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” - Martha GrahamMore women dance than men. However, whether you’re a man or a woman, the first thing you need to do when you dance is learn a few steps.Dancing makes use of your kinesthetic memory through movement and repetition. This is a great way to train your memory but you also need to concentrate if you want to memorise choreography or create your own.Here’s our advice for mastering the art of remembering choreography. SeamDance Teacher 4.96 (24) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamieDance Teacher 5.00 (6) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErickaDance Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlavioDance Teacher 5.00 (7) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimDance Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HannaDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClareDance Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThings You Need to Know to Master ChoreographyTo learn how to dance and master choreography, there are certain steps you’ll need to take. If you take lessons in a dance school (Cuban salsa, swing, Eastern dance, etc.), your teacher will be your guide. They’ll help you learn the steps and start you off with some basic choreography. In a dance class, you'll learn the basic steps that you can use in choreography. (Source: Innviertlerin)You’ll familiarise yourself with rhythm and different styles of dancing and you’ll soon be able to apprehend and anticipate which steps are coming next. Don’t hesitate to put together a playlist of the music that you listen to in your lessons so that you can listen to them again in outside of class. This will help you to feel more comfortable in your classes.In any case, it doesn’t matter what style of dancing you’re doing, here’s our advice for memorising choreography.Focus! Watch your teacher carefully before trying it yourself. Make sure you stay focused on every explanation and take on board any feedback you’re given.Count the steps. As a beginner, a bachata, ballet, or jazz teacher will teach you how to count along to the movements. Keep in mind that most music has 8 counts (you’ll also often count the off-beats). This is the best way to dance in time to music. One thing at a time: don’t try to memorise what your legs, arms, head, and body need to be doing all at once. Take it step-by-step. Start by mastering one aspect of the choreography before adding the other parts. This will help you to better memorise exactly what each step consists of.Create mental pictures: certain steps may make you think of something. For example, a turn might remind you of using a compass in maths class in school. Create memorisation techniques and reminders to help you.That’s a wrap! Ask your Argentine tango, west coast swing, or contemporary dance teacher to film the choreography so that you can analyse it and practise it at home.Write down the choreography: this is going a bit above and beyond but it can help you memorise the steps.Repeat regularly: practice makes perfect. To progress and memorise choreography, you have to regularly practise!The Easiest Choreography to LearnEven if you don’t do private tutorials in Latin dance, ballroom dancing, or cont emporary dance, you might still end up in a situation where you need to dance like on a night out or at a wedding. It’s quite common for events to include a time when you’ll have to get up and dance. You might want to learn choreography for your wedding dance. (Source: Dance2016)And there you are, sitting in a corner, petrified that you’ll embarrass yourself because you don’t know any of the moves. You might know the Macarena, Madison, or even the Kuduro.Don’t panic! They might seem tricky but they can all be learnt quite easily. You can find dancers on YouTube who’ve filmed a tutorial to get you started with some of the most common dances. You’ll soon be lighting up the dancefloor!Learn at least one simple dance that regularly comes up:The MacarenaThe MadisonYMCADanza KuduroGangnam StyleWaka WakaAi Seu te PegoBombaDecember 1963 (Oh, What a Night!)The dance from Pulp FictionEven the hokey cokey!(We won’t judge!)Learn more about the easiest dance routines.Learning Choreography on YouTubeYou can move to a higher level with increasingly complicated choreography. You might be interested in group lessons or private dance tutorials before you get started with some of these dance routines. There are plenty of great tutorials on YouTube. (Source: geralt)We’re talking about songs like Thriller, Single Ladies, or even Level Up.  However, some popular songs are accessible to beginners. For example, you can learn the dance to Taki Taki. There are plenty of great YouTube tutorials on how to dance to this song.Similarly, you can even learn how to dance the Bachata on YouTube. Don’t hesitate to search for “beginner dance tutorials” and a particular style or song.You’ll find a treasure trove of different dance routines including rumba, contemporary dance, and even step-by-step Bollywood dance tutorials. Choose the ones you like the look of before starting and check how popular they are. A good dancer doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re a good teacher.A good YouTube video will have:High-quality video and audio: there won’t be an echo and you should be able to hear the teacher. The image should be clear and there should be several angles to help you.A good teach er: clear explanations without unnecessary jargon. Clear counting with the steps.Step-by-step learning: the choreography should be broken down into several parts before attempting the whole thing together.Learning without music and then with it: the movement should be learnt slowly before doing them progressively more quickly until you can do it along with the music.Don’t forget the principles of choreography that we mentioned earlier on.Creating ChoreographyOnce you know a few dance routines, you can start making your own. But you don’t know where to begin... Becoming  a choreographer may seem out of reach. However, with a bit of organisation, you should be able to create your first dance routine. To get started with dancing, you should learn some basic dance routines. (Source: romanen)Let us help you!Firstly, unlike what you may think, creating dance routines isn’t just for experts. You can start quite early on trying to create your own.It’s a good way to get the most out of your dancing and it’s a lot of fun, don’t you think?Here are the steps to creating your routines:Choose your style: this is easy if you only know the one. Don’t start trying a flamenco or disco routine if you’ve never danced either style. The goal is to learn but through making use of your knowledge of the style.Choose your music: dancing is nothing without music. Don’t choose a song just because it’s popular. Choose music that makes you want to dance; music that speaks to you. The music is the foundation of your routine.Analyse the music: you’re going to need to be familiar with every part of the music you choose. Analyse the structure of the song: the intro, the verse, the chorus, the bridge, etc.Improvise: dancing isn’t just exercise, it’s also art. Improvisation can also inspire you. After all, sometimes it’s difficult to remember exactly every step so let yourself improvise and film yourself and you may come up with something you’d like to keep.Put all the parts together: like a puzzle, you’ll want to start by putting together the parts of your routine. There may be gaps, but that’s not a problem. Fine-tune the parts that you’ve already got.Work on your transitions: this is where you get to fill in the gaps. Watch your footage again and see if there are parts you can use to bring the different steps together. If this doesn’t work, film yourself again and try a bit more improvisation. You’ll end up finding something.You need to pay particular care to the start and end of a routine as these are the parts that will draw your audience in and leave a lasting impression. Don’t try to fill the whole thing with technical moves at any given opportun ity as you’ll want to include calmer parts between the more dynamic sections. Use the space you have, especially if you’ll be doing it on a stage.So are you ready to learn some new routines?If you're looking for dance classes, consider getting in touch with one of the tutors on Superprof for private lessons. Private dance lessons are great if you want to learn to dance but don't live near a dance studio or can't find classes on offer for the dance styles you'd like to learn.Whether you want to learn how to ballroom dance, swing dance, or even get dance instruction for your wedding dance, a dance lesson with a private dance instructor will soon have you confident on the dance floor.Make the most of the tutors who offer free tuition for the first hour to see whether or not you get along!

4 Small Ways to Strengthen Your College Applications This School Year

4 Small Ways to Strengthen Your College Applications This School Year When it comes to getting into college, theres no magic formula for crafting the perfect college application. However, there are several things you can do to strengthen your college application and to make getting into your dream schools easier. You can strengthen your college applications this school year by applying early, getting high-quality letters of recommendation, and writing a stand-out college essay. Are you applying to colleges this fall and hoping to submit the strongest application possible? Keep reading to learn four small ways to strengthen your college applications this school year. 1. Strengthen your college applications by applying early One of the strongest ways to convey your interest to a college or university and to increase your chances of admission is to apply under Early Action or Early Decision. When applying early, you typically send your application in by November or early December and hear back about their decision within several weeks. This is different from a regular application, where you send your application by early winter and get a response in the spring. You can only apply Early Decision to one school, so its important to make it your first choice. If you do get into a college through Early Decision, you must enroll at that college or university and withdraw your applications to other schools (with few exceptions). [RELATED: How to Survive the College Application Process: Part One] 2. Strengthen your college applications by obtaining great letters of recommendation College applications almost always ask for letters of recommendation. You can make your application stand out by putting the strongest possible letters of recommendation in your application. Start by asking your favorite teacher for a letter. If he or she seems too busy or unenthusiastic, ask another, until you find someone who is very excited to provide you with a letter. This way, youre more likely to get a letter that conveys such enthusiasm about you. When you find teachers to write your letters of recommendation, its helpful to give them each a copy of your resume. This way, they can include references to your accomplishments in their letter. [RELATED: 5 Steps to Ensure a Stellar Letter of Recommendation] 3. Strengthen your college applications by focusing in-depth on included content Many students fall into a trap of listing all extracurricular activities they were involved in during high school on their applications. They do so because they mistakenly believe more is better. In reality, colleges are looking for quality, not quantity. This means you should only list and describe extracurricular activities that fall into any or all of the following categories: You were a part of it for an extended period of time You played a significant role in it It has made the most profound impact on your life These should be included on your application. Do not include extracurriculars that you dropped out of after a short time or never followed through with. 4. Strengthen your college applications by writing a college essay that stands out The college essay is one of the most daunting parts of the college application for many students. To write a stand-out college essay, focus on writing about something thats very important to you, and reflect on it. Sometimes, it can be helpful to write several drafts of your essay before settling on the final version. You may also want to ask a friend or teacher to read over your personal essay before adding it to your application. When writing your personal statement, avoid repeating other parts of your application. Do not list, repeat, or contradict other parts of your application in your essay. In other words, dont spend time listing your awards in this section. Admissions officers are looking for interesting details about you that best exhibit your character and show them that youd be a good fit on their campus. [RELATED: How to Write a Great College Essay] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

Online Probabilities Tutors

Online Probabilities Tutors Probability plays a very pivotal role in mathematics. Probability is defined as the chances for an event to occur. For a given situation or conditions there is always a chances for an event to likely or unlikely occur. The probability of a event is mostly between 0 to 1. The chances or probability for all the possible events to occur for a given condition add up to a 1. Therefore probability of an event is calculated by: P (Event) = Number of outcomes favorable for the event/Total number of outcomes. Example 1: A coin is tossed what is the probability of getting a heads? Solution: On tossing a coin there are total of two possibilities either heads may show up or tails may show up. Therefore total number of possible outcomes = 2. The number of outcomes favorable of getting heads = 1. P (Heads) = Number of outcomes favorable for heads/Total number of outcomes. Therefore probability of getting heads P (H) = 1/2. Example 2: A dice is thrown what is the probability of getting the number 6? Solution: On throwing a dice the total number of possibilities are 6 either of the following numbers may show up i.e. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6}. Therefore total number of possible outcomes on throwing a dice = 6. The number of outcomes favorable of getting the number 6 = 1. P (6) = Number of outcomes favorable for number 6/Total number of outcomes. = 1/6. Therefore probability of getting number 6 is P (6) = 1/6.

6 of the Most Swoon-Worthy Singing Telegrams on YouTube

6 of the Most Swoon-Worthy Singing Telegrams on YouTube Suzy S. Across all music genres from pop to punk to musical theater and more love is a common theme. And its no wonder music has a way of reaching our emotions in ways that the spoken word cant always hit on. And with Valentines Day coming up, its the perfect time to break out the cheesy love songs! Below, weve rounded up some of our favorite YouTube music videos that capture the essence of the holiday. Get inspired with these six perfectly pitched pleas for love… First up: YouTube star Stuart Edge and BYUs a cappella group Vocal Point team up to deliver surprise singing valentines to ladies across campus. Next: Pentatonix rose to fame after winning NBCs The Sing-Off in 2011, and have been in the spotlight ever since they also just won their first Grammy award! Here, they cover Valentine by Jessie Ware and Sampha. Yet another viral sensation, the CDZA is known for popular videos such as  The Human Jukebox  and History of Misheard Lyrics. To get into the Valentines Day spirit, take a look at their impromptu video below, as they take romance to the street. If you need to amp up your playlist, look no further than this soulful medley by YouTube celeb  Kurt Hugo Schneider, featuring Chester See and Kylee. Highlighting  both contemporary love songs and older jams, from Taylor Swift to Whitney Houston, this is something we could listen to over and over. Of course, love goes beyond those backed by record labels and YouTube fame. Get those tissues handy and watch this talented singer up the ante for surprise proposals. What happens when you take a Beatles song, but sing it in a style that Bon Jovi would perform? The video below, created by Anthony Vincent from Ten Second Songs, is a unique and entertaining take on love song covers. Feeling inspired? Singing valentines offer a creative, heartfelt Valentine’s Day gift that anyone would love. Whether you’re the one who bursts into song for the one you love or you’ve hired a professional group to send your message â€" singing valentines are anything but ordinary and perfectly customizable. From sentiment to cheese, there are an array of song options for the enjoyment of your honoree. Want to brush up on your singing skills just in time for a few Valentines serenades? Even better! It’s not too late to impress your sweetheart.  Find a singing teacher in your area here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  hellomaleka